Cape York and Torres Strait are the traditional lands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
We, the Traditional Owners of this land, come from many different clans. We speak our own languages and we teach them to our children.
This land and our traditions were passed down to us by our elders and by their elders before them.
Please respect our Country and our Culture while you are visiting. There are many special places here in Cape York and Torres Strait and we want you to enjoy and appreciate them as we do.
Together, we welcome you to Country. We hope you enjoy your time here and return home safely to your families to share the knowledge and experiences you have gained.
The Traditional Owners of Cape York and Torres Strait.

Cape York Tourism Guide
Cape York is in the far north-eastern part of Queensland, from the Mitchell River catchment in the south, all the way up to Pajinka (the northernmost part of mainland Australia). Indigenous Australians have lived on this Country for tens of thousands of years.
European settlement in the 1900s led to the displacement of Aboriginal communities across the region and the establishment of fishing, agricultural and mining enterprises.
Today, more than half of the land in Cape York is owned and managed by Indigenous Australians and more than half of the population of the region is Indigenous (Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples).
There’s no ‘one way’ to say ‘G’day’ in Cape York as there are 55 language variety groups in the region. Each community has unique art, culture and traditions that have been passed down through the generations.
Cape York Peninsula is a region of ancient and continuing cultural landscapes, with countless culturally significant places. over 50% of the region is privately owned and managed by Traditional Owners.
While you’re on Country, the Traditional Owners want you to be safe, so please respect the people and the land as you explore.